Do you see the big "D" on my forehead? Well I got that at work this morning at Kohls. I worked yesterday from 8am-1pm. Had a great shift because they couldn't find where I was scheduled to work, so they had me do merchandising. I love Merchandising. It is like Christmas opening all those new things. Megan wants to know how I'll feel about that on opening day when everyone is touching my presents? Well today I go in for my 8-1 shift. Again, I'm not on the board for assignments. So I ask a manager. She asked what the work schedule said. I told her PO Training just like yesterday. She goes to the computer and sees that all I have left is hands on. Well she then goes to the secretary and asks her to print out a schedule. Secretary looks at it, and says, yep, it says PO Training. So I wait for the manager to come back. Show her the highlighted area the secretary did for me. She says, it says you are to work 8pm-1am, same as yesterday. the schedule wrong. She said, "I remember Jeremy saying that a Joni was a no show for Ad Set Training last night and someone said they had seen you in the morning." So I earned the big "D" on the forehead. Came home, had a cupcake, and I'll return tonight after Activity Days with the Primary girls for my 8pm-1am shift. What a DORK!!!!
yes you are mom
I love it!
How are you going to feel? Are you going to be able to handle all of those people touching your stuff??
TOO funny!!
What about 8:00pm to 1:00am is better than the hospital? It must be the money? Oh I know--it's that you can open boxes without latex gloves and a face mask. It's confirmed, you're crazy!
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