Sunday, May 23, 2010

April/May Travels

Thursday evening April 15th Mick, Janelle and I flew out of Newark New Jersey to head home to California. As soon as we landed we headed to In N Out for burgers. Even though it was 10pm it tasted soooooooo good. I have to note here that of the 10 days Mick was gone from Jersey he had In N Out 8 times. Yes, 8 times!!!! He loves it.
Friday was dentist appointments and errands and that evening the Peters had us over for Don's famous chicken tacos. The Guziks and Grandma and Grandpa Peters were also there. What fun it was to get together with our dear friends. It has been a tradition to go fishing every year at June Lake in the Eastern Sierras with the Peters and the Guziks. We have been unable to go the past 2 years due to our assignment in Jersey and have missed being with these good friends. Yes, we did play cards. Sunday was church in the Brea 1st ward. Loved being with all our good friends there. Monday was "stage two" of my oral surgery for my implant. I had to go under general anesthesia again. Mick took good care of me.
During dinner the hummingbirds were plentiful, eating the secret recipe Laurie brews for them. I was fasinated by their bright red color. Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of a hummingbird?
Wednesday morning Mick, Janelle, and I drove to utah for Jamie's graduation. It was beautiful when we left california, but arrived in Utah to heavy rains and even had some snow along the way.
Here is the family after Jamie's thursday afternoon general graduation program. The following post also has a couple of pictures of her graduation.

PANIC!!! The computer blacked out on me and the following post is to be included with this one. I thought I had lost all my continue reading for more adventures.......

April/May travels

Here is Jamie seconds after receiving her diploma. She graduated in four years......Way to go Jamie. She now holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science. Next......she is planning on attending Nursing School.
This is the gang that attended Jamie's graduation friday morning for her college. We went to Tucanos for lunch and each of us came out with a "Meat Coma" as David and Jamie put it. What a great morning we had.

Saturday morning we were able to attend one of Jamie's indoor soccer games. She played for BYU intramural co-ed and also a city indoor league this past semester. Her Dad was cheering and kicking his legs and LOVED being able to see her play. Graig, Nicole and I headed to SLC to attend a session of the temple before Adam and Jessica's wedding. What a beautiful day it was, as you can see from the pictures taken on the temple grounds. We attended the reception that afternoon and enjoyed being with Mick's family. We were able to be with his mother and Kent, his sister Deanna and her family, his brother Ken, father of the groom and all his children, and Laurie and Calvin, Adams parents.

Sunday morning we attended the broadcast of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and The Spoken Word. Brooke Holyoak, Janelle's friend from Houston days, sings in the choir and her mom Tracie was in town for gradaution and womens conference so we were able to see them both. What a treat it was. The Prophet Thomas S. Monson, Dallin Oaks and David Archuletta were also in attendance. Sorry the picture of David didn't come out.

After taking Mick to the airport for his flight back to New Jersey, Janelle, Jamie, my mom, Graig and Nicole and I headed up to Idaho. What fun we had being in their home and eating the delicious meals they prepared for us. On Monday we were able to go and help Nicole in her first grade classroom. We had so much fun helping with an art project for their moms day surprise. We also helped with math and reading. During lunch recess you could earn tokens for the upcoming field trip. For each lap you earned a token, 4 laps earned you a gold one. What fun I had running and walking to earn a gold and red token. Too bad I'll miss the field trip. Here is Nicole reading to her students. You can tell she loves each and every one of her students.....and they love her.

Wednesday morning Jamie, Janelle, Mom and I were up early to head back to Provo. We stopped in Idaho Falls to join Cousin Kim and Aunt Eleanor for breakfast. We missed seeing Andrew who is there attending Idaho State on a Rugby Scholarship.

We did a Costco run and then headed over to cousin Merr's poolhouse for a Harmer Girls reunion dinner. Uncle Bob BBQ'd and Karyn made yummy desserts, Uncle Albert and patsy made potatoes and we had an awesome meal and laughed and had fun with everyone. All you Harmer relatives, plan on attending next year....we are going to make it a tradition.
Thursday April 29-30 was BYU Women's Conference in Provo, Utah. It has been a tradition for several years now for my mom, cousin Kim, Aunt Eleanor and myself to attend. Through the years others have joined us including my sister, sister in laws, cousin Lynette and good friend Chris Panian. This year my Aunt Patsy and my mother's high school girlfriend Marjean attended with us. We always have so much fun laughing, attending classes, shopping, laughing, eating, laughing, getting some sleep, laughing and having a great time. Thanks to Marjean thisyear we had plenty of snacks and goodies. Good thing we laugh so much or we would really show how much we ate when we went home and tried to get into our favorite jeans.

Saturday morning Janelle and I were up early to head to Cedar City, Utah with my Uncle Bob and Aunt Karyn to participate in my cousins Leslie Ewells graduation. She received her Masters in Education from SUU. Jamie and David were in St George for the weekend so were able to join us also. After the ceremonies, lunch and change of clothes, Janelle and I headed to California. We did the drive in 6 hours with 2 stops. Janelle and I were able to attend church in Brea, I did my follow-up surgery appt and tuesday we headed back home to Jersey. Where is home? Well, I have decided it is where I am at the moment. It seems whenever we are in California it is like we have just been gone on vacation somewhere. I wonder how it will feel when we finally move back at the end of the year.

Well we are here in Jersey until the 15th of June, when I head back to California for more Dr's appointments and also Brit Rabjohns wedding. Jamie is meeting me for the week. Fun, fun, and more travel miles. Seems I've traveled more than Mick so far this year. EGADS!!!!