When it came time to put the Christmas decorations away, we decided to keep the tree up. We don't have any table lamps and also the furniture is scarce compared to the size of the room. The tree helps to fill some of the space and also give us some mood lighting. We have been decorating it for the different holidays, but I'm seriously thinking its got to go back in the box after this holiday. The neighbor kids, who happen to be the landlords children came over and asked if that was our Christmas tree and wanted to know what we were going to do come Christmas again. Do you think their parents aka. landlord, have been talking?
Also, Kohls update. I worked a 40 hour work week for the grand opening. Saturday was like black friday all day. You couldn't find parking and the lines were wrapped around the front of the store. I was "go backs" in juniors for a few hours. All I can say is....EGADS!!!!!! Girls don't know how to turn clothes right side out, put on a hanger, let alone take off the floor!!! It was back breaking work. Next week I'm back to Ad set and hopefully we can do it faster than the 9 hour shift last tuesday with only one 15 minute break!! Especially since I have 3 ad sets next week!!!